Teak house for rent in Lampang

租金: 8,000 铢 /月
房子 2 1 1 150 平房佤 300 米2


物业ID: 6264431
Teak house for rent in Lampang
地址 - 77 ถนน ป่าขาม Hua Wiang 南邦直辖县 南邦府 52000
面向方向(前门) - 东南


2 bedroom house for rent in Hua Wiang, Lampang

Teak house in the center of Lampang for rent with large garden. Resort in the middle of the city ready condition Partly furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 large hall, 1 dining room, high basement, tiled floor, can use the area, has a large garden of more than 150 square meters, can park the car, good weather, located in the alley, convenient location, safe There are facilities ready.

House No. 77, Pa Kham Road, Hua Wiang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province

In front of the entrance to the alley, there is a Thai massage cat (Massage, the famous spa of Lampang), 5 minutes from Lampang City Hospital. Near the municipal market, just 5 minutes, less than 10 minutes from Lampang Airport Take the highway to Chiang Mai or go to Bangkok. Long term rental, 1 year contract, two months deposit.

For rent at a special price of 8,000 baht per month (water, electricity, pay by bill)

Please contact the owner : tel : 062 515 4663 กดเพื่อแสดง

最低租赁合同: 12 個月
押金: 1 เดือน
预付款: 3 เดือน


家具 : 部分装修




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租金: 8,000 铢 /月
房子 2 1 1 150 平房佤 300 米2