Commercial and residental building Near Khonkaen University for Rent 25004500/month.

租金: 2,500 铢 /月


物业ID: 5977145
Commercial and residental building Near Khonkaen University for Rent 25004500/month.
地址 - 252 ถนน โคลัมโบ Nai Mueang Mueang Khon Kaen 坤敬府 40000


Commercial and residental building Near Khonkaen University for Rent 2500-4500/month.
Location near Khon Kaen University entrance, near PTT Gas station
The shophouse is less than 100 meters from the Khon Kaen University gate, in the middle of a private dormitory area. Various commercial businesses such as various restaurants, noodle shops, Lang Suan Market, Colombo gym, nail salon, laundry, etc.
The shophouse is 4 meters wide and 7 meters deep, with an external washing area approximately 1 meter wide.
Water and electricity bills not expensive pay directly to the go because There is a separate electricity and water meter for each room.
Rental price
- shophouse in front row Monthly rent 4,500 baht, deposit 8,000 baht (In Front row shophouse, you can park cars in front of the building itself)
- Shophouse behind Monthly rent 2,500 baht, deposit 3,500 baht (Building in the back row, But you can park motorbikes in front of the building ,for the car you can parked on the side of the road near the shophouse)
If interested, call/Line กดเพื่อติดต่อสอบถาม Khun Moo.

最低租赁合同: 12 個月


家具 : 空屋




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租金: 2,500 铢 /月