A Renovated house with a big lawn closed to Don Mueang Airport and Red line Train station

租金: 15,000 铢 /月
房子 3 2 1 96 平房佤 384 米2
BRT Logo Don Mueang ( ≈ 1.5 公里。)


物业ID: 4188241
A Renovated house with a big lawn closed to Don Mueang Airport and Red line Train station
地址 - 114 ซอย สรณคมน์ 1 ถนน สรณคมน์ Don Mueang Vibhavadi Si Kan 廊曼区 曼谷 10210
面向方向(前门) - 南


A newly renovated one-story house near Don Mueang International Airport, and the Red Line sky train station. The house’s size is 96 sqws It has 3 bedrooms and 1 living room (All the rooms have air conditioning) 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, with a large lawn, and 1 parking lot. It locates at the end of the street making it quiet and calm. The neighbors around are also good people with no parking problems. The location of the house is very convenient to commute. It can be reached from Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Local Road, Udon Ratthaya Expressway (Srisamarn entrance and exit) and Tiwanon Road. There are Lotus Express, a fresh market, schools and many local restaurants nearby.

最低租赁合同: 12 個月
押金: ค่าไฟ 3000
预付款: 1 เดือน


家具 : 部分装修




Nopkasem Jotidilok


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租金: 15,000 铢 /月
房子 3 2 1 96 平房佤 384 米2
BRT Logo Don Mueang ( ≈ 1.5 公里。)