THE PROMINENCE (เดอะพรอมิเน้นซ์)

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Detailed Info

Project Name (Thai):
Project Name (English):
ติดถนนวงเเหวนรอบกลาง (ถนน 6 เลนลอดอุโมงค์) ต.ท่าศาลา อ.เมือง จ.เชียงใหม่ Tha Sala , Mueang Chiang Mai , Chiang Mai
Project area:
22 Rai 1 Ngan 96 Wa Square
Total floors:
Regal Assets Co., Ltd.
Project Concept
Perfect house, besides the beauty and suitability for every age of resident, it must offer modern pattern compatible with current time, providing high-standard security and must be designed to withstand often-occurred disasters in the modern time; such as earthquake, and must be located in the location where the flood has never reached, in the city, easily accessible to desirable destinations on the worth-investing prices. Therefore, we decide to create houses which use various "innovations" for the residents to obtain special quality and standard higher than other ordinary housing developments.

Project Features
1. Houses in THE PROMINENCE Project are located in potential location which is highly-demanded by house buyers. It connects every destination with many routes, and only 10 minutes to the center of the city for outstanding and convenient lifestyle on the highest-values location on Middle Ring Road in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. Also, it is located only 800 meter s from the new department store, "PROMENADA", near Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi Hotel, Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport Department Store, Big C Department Store, Chiang Mai International Airport, Chiang Mai Railway Station, Chiang Mai Arcade Bus Terminal, City Hall, hospitals, colleges, and famous universities.

2. House patterns use varieties of decorating materials with delicate and modern details in Modern Oriental Style with luxurious and classic looks, in which the design mostly considers the appropriate and convenient functions in daily life.

For Rent (0)

For Sale (0)


Junction - Donchan ( ≈ 0.9 km.)
Junction - San Klang ( ≈ 2.5 km.)
Junction - Saraphi ( ≈ 5.3 km.)
Junction - Mae Kuang ( ≈ 6.7 km.)
Junction - Sankhayom ( ≈ 7.3 km.)

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Regal Assets Co., Ltd.

234/411 หมู่ที่ 6 ตำบลหนองหอย อำเภอเมือง เชียงใหม่ 50000 Nong Hoi , Mueang Chiang Mai , Chiang Mai

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THE PROMINENCE (เดอะพรอมิเน้นซ์)